Abbazia Cistercense di Fornovo
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Arrival of Amandia

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Arrival of Amandia Empty Arrival of Amandia

Messaggio  Amandia Sab Giu 08, 2019 4:45 pm

Amandia arrived to the abbey, as suggested by His Eminence Arduino I Della Scala, called Gropius. She's here unarmed.
She touched the gate and while waiting for an answer she said:

I am Amandia Oriana Trzebiatowska, from the Kingdom of Poland. I'm a deacon and a confessor, at the present time. I was suggested to find Abbess, Her Eminence Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla, called Pamelita. I am here to study the current canonical law and dogmas. As well as other knowledge if this will be indicated to me.

Messaggi : 9
Data d'iscrizione : 08.06.19
Località nei RR : Kingdom of Poland, Wyszogród

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Messaggio  Gian_maria Sab Giu 08, 2019 9:02 pm

Padre Gian Maria era di turno al portone dell'abbazia, intento in alcune orazioni, quando sentì una voce fuori dalla porta. Raggiunto lo spioncino e apertolo, si sporse e vide una viaggiatrice in attesa, quindi le disse giovialmente:

"Buondì sorella e benvenuta. Sono padre Gian Maria, monaco di questa abbazia: ho sentito parlare ma non ho inteso le parole. Posso chiedervi chi siete e cosa vi porta all'abbazia?"


Father Gian Maria was on duty at the door of the abbey, intent on some prayers, when he heard a voice outdoor. When he reached the peephole and opened it, he leaned over and saw a traveler waiting, so he jovially told her:

"Good day sister and welcome. I'm father Gian Maria, monk of this abbey: I heard speaking, but I didn't understand the words. May I ask you who you are and what brings you to the abbey?"
Monaco Capitolare
Monaco Capitolare

Messaggi : 676
Data d'iscrizione : 31.08.18
Località nei RR : Arezzo

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Messaggio  Amandia Dom Giu 09, 2019 12:40 am

Amandia listened the greeting with a smile. And she thought:

*Oh, my mom said not to talk so quietly*

So she repeated, this time more clearly:

Thank you for welcoming me, dear brother. I am Amandia Oriana Trzebiatowska, from the Kingdom of Poland. I'm a deacon and a confessor, at the present time. I am here to study the current canonical law and dogmas. As well as other knowledge if this will be indicated to me. His Eminence Arduino I Della Scala, called Gropius suggested me to find Abbess, Her Eminence Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla, called Pamelita. Can you show me the way, please? I came here unarmed.

Messaggi : 9
Data d'iscrizione : 08.06.19
Località nei RR : Kingdom of Poland, Wyszogród

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Messaggio  Gian_maria Dom Giu 09, 2019 4:05 pm

"Benvenuta, sorella. Avervi fra noi sarà per noi un onore, avete fatto bene a seguire il consiglio del cardinale Della Scala. Prima di farvi entrare, devo solo chiedervi se avete con voi armi: come ben comprenderete, non possono entrare fra queste mura. Nel caso ne aveste, vi chiedo cortesemente di lasciarle nel nostro deposito: saranno al sicuro fintantoché starete con noi." rispose, indicando una porticina proprio di fianco all'ingresso.

Mentre attendeva il ritorno dell'ospite, si mise a cercare le chiavi di una cella libera.


"Welcome, sister. It'll be a honour having you among us, you did well to follow the advice of Cardinal Della Scala. Before letting you enter, I just must ask to you if you're wearing any weapon: as you well understand, they can't enter in these walls. If you have any, please leave it in custody in our depot: they'll be safe as long as you stay with us." he answered, pointing to a small door right next to the entrance.

As he was waiting for the guest to return, he began to look for the keys to a free cell.
Monaco Capitolare
Monaco Capitolare

Messaggi : 676
Data d'iscrizione : 31.08.18
Località nei RR : Arezzo

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Messaggio  Amandia Dom Giu 09, 2019 9:54 pm

She glanced at the pointed door and answered:

Thank you, but I don't carry any weapons. I have nothing to leave in your custody.

Messaggi : 9
Data d'iscrizione : 08.06.19
Località nei RR : Kingdom of Poland, Wyszogród

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Messaggio  Gian_maria Dom Giu 09, 2019 10:05 pm

Non appena ebbe constatato come la visitatrice fosse disarmata, padre Gian Maria aprì la porta.

"Vi ringrazio per la comprensione e la collaborazione, sorella. Entrate pure, non esitate."

Come questa fu dentro, il monaco provvide a richiudere bene il portone, quindi le porse due piccole pergamene dicendole:

"Ora, prima di assegnarvi l'alloggio, vi do questa mappa dell'abbazia, di modo che possiate prendere confidenza con il nostro complesso, e questo compendio delle regole di comportamento: non temete, niente di complicato, solo il modo corretto di agire fra queste mura."

Detto ciò, sorrise alla nuova ospite in attesa che le esaminasse.


As soon as he ascertained she hadn't any weapon, father Gian Maria opened the door.

"I thank you for your understanding and cooperation, sister. Come in, do not hesitate."

As soon as she was inside, the monk provided to close the door well, then handed her two small parchments telling her:

"Now, before I'll assign you the accommodation, I give you this map of the abbey, so that you can become familiar with our complex, and this compendium of behaviour rules: don't be afraid, nothing complicated, just the right way to act within these walls."

That said, he smiled to the new guest, awaiting she took a look at them.
Monaco Capitolare
Monaco Capitolare

Messaggi : 676
Data d'iscrizione : 31.08.18
Località nei RR : Arezzo

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Messaggio  Amandia Lun Giu 10, 2019 6:11 pm

Amandia walked through the door calmly - knowing she wouldn't be in danger here.

She read the rules aloud and looked at the map. After a while, she nodded that she understood everything.

Messaggi : 9
Data d'iscrizione : 08.06.19
Località nei RR : Kingdom of Poland, Wyszogród

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Messaggio  Gian_maria Lun Giu 10, 2019 8:57 pm

Un famiglio arrivò di corsa dal chiostro e porse un appunto a padre Gian Maria, quindi salutò con timidezza entrambi i presenti e andò via.
Letto il biglietto, il monaco si rivolse nuovamente all'ospite.

"Tutti i controlli sono stati positivi e mi informano che la vostra cella è pronta. Se volete seguirmi, vi ci conduco."

Quindi, le mostrò la strada.


A servant came back running from the cloister and handed out a note to father Gian Maria, then he shyly greeted both the bystanders and went away.
After reading the note, the monk spoke again to the guest.

"All checks went well and I've been informed that your cell is ready. If you follow me, I'll lead you to it."

Then, he showed her the way.
Monaco Capitolare
Monaco Capitolare

Messaggi : 676
Data d'iscrizione : 31.08.18
Località nei RR : Arezzo

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